Dementia specialist

Helping You Prepare for the Future While Living Successfully
in the Moment

Working With People Having Dementia/Alzheimer’s Issues

A girl with elderly woman playing with digital tablet

Your Professional Dementia Practitioner in the Midwest

I am Kathy Adkins RN, a dementia specialist working with families to keep people with dementia in the home. I aim to incorporate the newest and best methods to cope with and prevent dementia. I have devoted my life to assisting everyone and providing dementia patients with better care. I also offer dementia and elder care certification courses online and in person across the Midwest.

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Just a Call Away

As a dementia and Alzheimer’s care specialist, I guide families and clients through the healthcare delivery system, create care plans, and provide referrals from organizations, suppliers of medical supplies, and healthcare information. I regularly report to you and your PCP to ensure everyone receives the best care possible. My service is available to clientele of all ages.

Dementia Specialist
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Facility Placement

I arrange facility placement if necessary. I am a former D.O.N. for advice on where to go. Unlike other services offered in the area, I do not accept payment from facilities. I make decisions and suggestions based on the best placement for your loved one.

I will represent you in the decision-making process. After placement, I continue to work with families. Children of aging parents who live elsewhere can be certain that I am just a phone call away.

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Sunday dementia talk
Happy senior couple sitting on the sofa
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How Can I Help

The dementia specialist provides an evaluation to determine the current stage of the disease. I define and set goals for the person with dementia (PWN) and caregiver and cultivate an environment to maximize the diagnosed person’s independence.

My services include but are not limited to:

  • Creating Strategies to Minimize Symptoms
  • Restoring a Sense of Normalcy in the Home to the Extent Possible
  • Recommending Measures for Home Safety
  • Designing a Setting to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Guilt
  • Providing Support and Structure in Dealing With the Disease
  • Problem Solving
  • Referral to Quality Services
  • Developing Solutions to Ongoing, Dementia-related Problems
  • Creating Teamwork Among Family Members and Caregivers 
  • Providing Objective Feedback and Guidance
  • Assisting With Placement Decisions if Needed
  • Monthly Core Updates
  • Prevent "Silver Alerts"
  • Teach you How to Live Gracefully with Dementia

I am dedicated to helping you prepare for the future while living successfully in the moment.

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